Home E-Learning Platform City Building

City Building


60 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will understand the importance of sustainability in cities, improve creativity and expressiveness. 


We take a sheet of paper and fold it. We make large groups, from 5 to 10 students. The first one writes something that he would change in his city to make it better (pretty, comfortable and so on). 

He passes the page to the next person and without looking at what the previous one has written, he writes another idea of what would change in his city. Once written, he checks if his idea is the same as the previous one. If so, he crosses out his and adds a point/number (times mentioned) to the one that was there, in the other way he leaves it written. This is done with everyone in the group. 

In the end a ranking is made and you can know what word has emerged as the most popular to change the city. They can be compared with the ideas that come from other groups.

Questions for Reflections

  • What overlaps have there been with other groups?
  • Why do you think the overlapped  words are so important for the city? 
  • How can the most wanted changes be done? 
  • What difficulties have you encountered?

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