Home E-Learning Platform Compass: Navigating Conflict

Compass: Navigating Conflict


60 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will:

  • be better at conflict solving
  • have strengthened their communication skills
  • have developed a good rhetoric for debating


Before the game we must split students into smaller groups. The groups must create a name for themselves and make a logo/flag. Select a leader and create a one-line slogan. 

We create a journey which leads you through checkpoints. Each group gets different information about the checkpoints, so they must make compromises on which route to take next. For this task they get 15 minutes to get from the start to the finish. (For the first round they will probably not make it in time.) After the first round they get a presentation with tips on how to work better together. And then in the second journey they can work together and make the route in time.

General story: They are mercenaries, and they get hired to protect a merchant. To travel from A city to B city. On the journey, there will be turning points, where you must make decisions for the merchant’s safety.

Questions for Reflections

  • What difficulties did you encounter?
  • How did your group deal with opposing ideas?
  • What would you say is the most important factor to conflict solving?

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