Home E-Learning Platform Energy Conservation Challenge

Energy Conservation Challenge


120 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/learners will develop skills in energy monitoring and conservation, sustainable practices, teamwork, problem-solving, and advocacy by launching and promoting an energy conservation campaign at their school / by implementing and managing a company-wide project.


School Environment

Encourage students to launch an energy conservation campaign. Have them monitor the school’s energy usage, identify practices that waste energy, and propose solutions to reduce consumption. Students can create posters and presentations to raise awareness among their peers and foster sustainable habits.

Company Environment

Initiate an energy conservation project with simple, practical actions. Form a small team of three members to coordinate the effort. This team will raise awareness through brochures and presentations, collect solutions, and implement these solutions in-company over the course of a year.The team should also conduct follow-up activities to identify short-term, medium-term, and long-term solutions. Emphasising the concept of ‘utilities’ and ‘overheads,’ the project will address how these factors affect daily quality of life.

Questions for Reflection

  • How can we encourage other fellow students/colleagues to become more aware of their energy usage and participate actively in the campaign?
  • How can we make our campaign as engaging as possible to students/colleagues?
  • What challenges did you face while implementing the energy conservation solutions, and how did you overcome them?
  • In what ways has the energy conservation campaign impacted your understanding of sustainability and its importance in everyday life?

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