Home E-Learning Platform Goodie Bag Skits

Goodie Bag Skits


60 minutes

Learning Outcomes

Participants will learn that to solve problems in groups with limited resources and within a limited time frame they have to embrace agility and flexibility.

Resources & Preparation Needed

The teacher needs to prepare one “goodie bag” for each group. In each bag there should be multiple random items, the more “unconnected” items, the better and funnier the activity will be.

Examples for “goodies” are: toys, old/funny items of clothing, coloured paper, pieces of coloured textile, empty bottles, postcards, old newspapers, etc.

Each bag can contain identical items or completely different ones.


To do this exercise, students will have to step out of their comfort zone and try to feel comfortable with colleagues in order to be able to perform together a short skit (comedy sketch/ funny performance).

This game works well for a large group of students with around 20-50 people. 

The students are then divided into teams of 3-8 people and given a goodie bag with multiple random items.

The groups should agree on further rules, e.g.: 

  • The skits should use proper language, it cannot be insulting. 
  • Other objects (besides those in the goodie bag) can/cannot be used. 
  • All objects from the bag have to/ don’t have to be utilised.
  • The topic of the skits is/ is not predefined.
  • There will be a winner or each team will get a “prize”.

Each group will get a bag. If each bag contains different items, the bag should be black (not transparent) and each group should choose one randomly.

Each group is given 5-10 minutes to prepare a skit. Performance time should be under 3 minutes. Groups perform based on the creative use of items in the bag. Skits are not only entertaining but allow for planning and collaboration among team members.

This game is suitable for online use, with some small adaptation.

Ideas For Reflection

The teams watch each other’s performance and once all are done performing, they discuss the following questions:

  • How did you decide the story/plot?
  • How did you plan the performance?
  • How did you share roles?
  • How did you collaborate?
  • Which object was the most “inspiring”?
  • Which object was the most difficult to include?
  • How did you manage the time?

If the teacher thinks that competition motivates students more, a winning team can be declared based on team voting.

Alternatively, multiple prizes can be awarded, e.g.:

  • The funniest/most creative skit
  • The best plot
  • The best actor/actress
  • The best cooperation team
  • The best scenery

Extra Material

You might want to do a warm-up “acting” exercise with the class before you start this activity.

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMLJVcc6bcE 




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