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Name Association


45 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will have a better understanding of themselves and know where their strengths are.

After completing this activity trainees/learners will have searched for different solutions to SDG goals that they can apply in their daily lives.


Associate words or sentences beginning with each letter of your name. Write down your name vertically on the left side of a piece of paper. Then describe your positive traits or abilities using each letter of your name. For example:

S: Smart
A: Athletic
R: Responsible
A: Artistic
H: Happy

You can also choose to let the students fill the names with each other’s positive traits or abilities. That Sarah will fill the letter in for Peter, and Peter will fill in the letters of Jane.

Students can also be challenged to find solutions that are easy to reach in their daily lives related to SDGs that begin with each letter of their name. For example:

S: Shower for 3 minutes
A: Awareness raising on Gender Equality
R: Re-use, go through my room and see what things I never use anymore and that could be re-used by me, or re-used by someone else through donating it.
A: Aid someone else
H: Help myself get educated on the SDG’s by finding at least 5 articles.

Questions for Reflections

  • Why have you chosen these words?
  • Was there another word that immediately came to mind, but that had a different letter than your name? What was it and why did it come to your mind?
  • What are other SDG actions that you could easily achieve in your daily life?

Questions to ask within the group:

  • Would you suggest other words with the letters of the person’s name? And why would you suggest those words?

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the LEADER ScaleUp project partnership, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.