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Listen and Draw


10 minutes

Learning Outcomes

Listen and Draw is a fun activity that helps students practice listening to detail. These listening activities with a Spring theme will strengthen students writing, and listening comprehension skills. Listening skills impact students’ academic and behaviour in the classroom. With the increased use of technology, teachers have noticed a difference in students’ listening skills. Students need to practice listening and comprehending details of oral directions. Listen and Draw lessons are a fun and engaging way to practice these needed skills.

Resources & Preparation Needed


Pens or pencils

Handout: Listen and Draw!


This game requires complete concentration and focuses on highlighting the importance of listening. 

Split up your participants in teams of 2 and hand them the assignment and  some pens or pencils. 

The teacher comes forth and gives simple instructions about the assignment, which is written on the templates

The exercise isn’t  that difficult at first hand but the teacher’s job is to make it more complex during the assignment. Even though the participants aren’t allowed to repeat questions or to talk at all, as a teacher you can spice things up.

For added engagement you can for example start talking very loud, create a new deadline to increase the time management stress. You can put on a radio, ask fellow teachers to interrupt, just anything to interrupt the participants in their listening skills. As mentioned in the outcomes, the use of technology isn’t helping the listening skills, this exercise helps training them.

Ideas For Reflection

Compare the outcomes and let the students reflect on each other’s work and find out the positive and negative outcomes.

Start a discussion on the most annoying interruption they have experienced.

Make a gallery of the pictures.

Extra Material

Extra reading on listening skills: https://nl.pinterest.com/caseyzanderart/listening-skills/

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