Home E-Learning Platform SDG Jigsaw Puzzle

SDG Jigsaw Puzzle


60 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will get introduced to the SDGs and will be able to recognise the icons that represent the 17 SDGs.


Brainstorm with your students what might the Sustainable Development Goals be?

Watch the short (1,30 minutes) info video created by the UN:


Ask the student to do this Jigsaw puzzle IN PAIRS:



Print out the 17 symbols used for the 17 SDGs on small pieces of paper.

Give one pile of 17 picture cards to each small group (3-4 students)

Ask the student to try to recall the goals and write the goals next to the pictures on the picture cards.

Questions for Reflections

Which of the 17 SDGs presented above are the most relevant for your local community? Why?

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