Home E-Learning Platform SDG Research Projects

SDG Research Projects


120 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will be able to complete a project on, at least one of the SDGs using digital resources like articles, videos or reports and organise them in a way that supports their research.


Completing a SDG project involves a structured and comprehensive approach to address specific global challenges and contribute to sustainable development.

Steps you can take for a successful project:

  1. Explore students’ interests, identifying local and (locally relevant) global issues. You can use from this database the activity entitled “SDGs and their relevance for each of us”, when students reflect on their own awareness regarding SDGs.
  2. Identify specific SDGs the projects will address.
  3. Put students in groups of 4 or 5, by taking into consideration their interest on different SDG issues. From this step forward, the students will work in small groups.
  4. Students find sources of information along these questions: How can information about the identified SDG issue be gathered quickly and accurately? Which sources should be used? Ask students to list everything and anyone that could help implement the project idea identified.
  5. Students share tasks and responsabilities in collecting infromation: Who will ask whom? Who will look for information and where? On what platform do they collect the information (Google Slides, Padlet, Jamboard)? What digital resources will be used for presentation and report? They can create for instance: Infographics, presentation (uing Canva for example) , TikTok videos, interviews, or art, such as: photographs, paintings, or sculpture
  6. Based on the research finings each group defines an aim and a efw specific objectives for their projects.
  7. When objectives have been set, students think carefully about what needs to be done, taking at least four elements into account:
    • Specific tasks: what needs to be done step by step, in chronological order?
    • Time factors: how long and by what deadline should the tasks be completed? (Based on these, a project timetable will be drawn up.)
    • Team and roles: who will carry out each task, who is responsible for what?
    • Assets: What equipment and facilities are needed, and who will provide them, how and from what source?
  8. The groups implement the planned activities while the trainer/ teacher closely monitors the progress.
  9. The groups present the project to the general public and/or target group, by promoting the project and its goals through various communication channels. By doing this, students will advocate for policy changes and awareness on the chosen SDG.
  10. The students and the teachers/ trainers together evaluate the project and the learning outcomes.

Note: This is a good activity also for student exchanges. The trainers need to set the scene beforehand and explain the context of SGDs  to the students, who can then make projects together. It can also be used as an activity connecting students with NGOs: NGOs could offer a budget to support whoever wishes to develop a project.

Questions for Reflections

  • What were the key milestones and achievements of the project in terms of SDG impact?
  •  Did the project’s activities align with the local context and community needs regarding the chosen SDG(s)?
  • Were there any lessons learned during the project’s execution that can inform future SDG initiatives or similar projects?

Extra Materials


Padlet: https://padlet.com/

How to use Padlet – Beginners Tutorial: https://youtu.be/qqGhcWG6e2g?si=JYT3m_fyd7A_-Dbr

Jamboard: https://jamboard.google.com/

How to use Google Jamboard: https://youtu.be/eRG8MiLPUxk?si=wVk83dS-KtVkS-GQ

What you can do with Google Slides: https://www.google.com/slides/about/#features

Canva Tutorial for Beginners in 13 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M8axhCQP7M

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the LEADER ScaleUp project partnership, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.