After completing this activity trainees/ learners will be able to reflect of their own awareness regarding SDGs and contract their ideas.
SDGs and their Relevance for Each of Us
60 minutes
Learning Outcomes
Gather the students around in a circle.
Ask your students to find a small personal object (e.g. a pen).
Put a bottle (or other tall object) in the middle of the circle.
Bring out flashcards with the different sustainable development goals, put it next to the object in the middle.
Ask students to think how this goal is important in their personal life.
Students now have to place their objects in the area before them. They can place it in front of their feet, or place it next to the bottle in the middle. They can also place it somewhere in between. The closer the object to the bottle in the middle, the more this goal means to them.
Ask them why they feel this goal is more important than the other goals.
These are all subjective opinions, so don’t judge your students for their opinions, but ask them to elaborate on their statement and reply to each other in a constructive way.
Questions for Reflections
Why do you think some SDGs are more important to some than others?
Extra Materials
The symbol for each SDG printed on a piece of paper or card (flashcard). You can download and print the logos from here: