Use Creativity and Imagination
The Invention that Changed the World
50 minutes
Learning Outcomes
Resources & Preparation Needed
Blank sheets of paper
This is a group activity in which the participants will be able to experience the importance of sharing and enriching themselves with the ideas and knowledge of others.
Participants have to interact and use their imagination to create something. The teacher/trainer provides the group with a blank sheet of paper.
He or she also tells the group that they will have to create an invention during the videoconference that will revolutionize the world.
Next, each participant has to imagine what function the invention could fulfil.
Once they’ve had a few minutes to think about it they have to write their conclusions on the piece of paper.
The teacher (or some assigned students) reads out all the proposals written on the piece of paper and the group has to choose the three most creative ones.
Those who wish to can take a few minutes to explain why they think their proposal is important.
Finally, participants work together to create the invention that would be able to fulfil the three functions chosen.