Leader Board Game
Level 2
a No, I can’t. (0 steps)
b Yes, I can name 1-2, namely… (2 steps)
c Yes, I can name 3 or more, namely… (3 steps)
a Social media groups for like-minded people. (0 steps)
b Roads, railway networks, waterways, air routes, biking lanes, pedestrian sidewalks etc. (2 steps)
c Trucks, cargo ships, airplanes, trains, buses etc. (0 steps)
a Making every Friday a day off from school to explore the planet. (0 steps)
b Building a giant library in every city with books from across the universe. (0 steps)
c Ensuring every individual, regardless of their background, has access to complete and quality education. (3 steps)
d Creating a school that only teaches about space and alien civilizations (0 steps)
a Europe. (0 steps)
b Africa. (2 steps)
c Australia/Oceania. (0 steps)
a A cycling holiday to explore and support local communities. (3 steps)
b A road trip to explore nearby regions and their cultural backgrounds. (2 steps)
c A luxurious fly and drive holiday to explore the culture and nature in a completely different country. (0 steps)
a Businesses should engage in partnerships and collaborations to develop and invest in innovative clean energy solutions, while also actively participating in industry-wide initiatives to promote sustainability and reduce the carbon footprint of their operations. (3 steps)
b Businesses should adopt green practices, invest in renewable energy sources, and implement energy-efficient technologies to reduce their environmental impact. (2 steps)
c Businesses should focus solely on maximizing profits. (3 steps)
a To promote trans-atlantic trade for economic growth. (0 steps)
b To limit global temperature rise below 2 Celsius above pre-industrial levels. (3 steps)
c To raise awareness about Climate Change. (2 steps)
a To create jobs that protect the environment. (2 steps)
b To generate more revenue for the entrepreneur. (0 steps)
c To foster innovation and create employment opportunities. (3 steps)
a Isolate yourself from collaborative projects and partnerships. (0 steps)
b Find a global partnership that supports the SDGs and make a donation. (2 steps)
c Work or volunteer in organisations that are working towards the Global Goals and be involved in various projects that support the SDGs. (3 steps)
a Because oceans are crucial for global food security, human health, and contribute to poverty eradication and decent work, and as primary regulator of the global climate, it is an important element that needs to be saved. (3 steps)
b By only saving the oceans and the life below water, we will be able to save the global climate problem. (0 steps)
c Because oceans are crucial for global food security and human health, and as three billion people depend on marine and coastal resources, it is also crucial for many livelihoods. (2 steps)
a Nutrition, child mortality, holidays, school attendance, cooking fuel, sanitation, drinking water, electricity, housing, and assets. (1 step)
b Nutrition, child mortality, years of schooling, school attendance, cooking fuel, sanitation, drinking water, electricity, housing, and assets. (3 steps)
c Nutrition, travel, clothing, school attendance, cooking fuel, sanitation, drinking water, electricity, housing, and assets. (0 steps)
a 1 in 10. (0 steps)
b 1 in 5. (3 steps)
c 1 in 3. (0 steps)
a Capacity Development, Multi-stakeholder partnerships, Trade, Finance, Science, Financial inclusion and Technology. (3 steps)
b Policy Coherence, Data Sharing and Transparency, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Capacity Building. (2 steps)
c Environmental conservation, Military alliances, National Sovereignty and Cultural Preservation. (0 steps)
a Consider to buy eco-friendly products and recycle and reduce waste where possible. (2 steps)
b Consider upcycling, repair and repurpose before buying something new. (3 steps)
c Consider thoroughly about buying new products before buying them, and ensure you have a good reason to buy something new. (0 steps)
a Creating awareness and implementing policies to address discrimination. (2 steps)
b Governments should issue laws to avoid discremination at work. (1 step)
c Encourage women to bring their children to childcare.
(0 steps)
a By promoting water conservation and sustainable water management practices. (1 step)
b By Trying to use as little water as posible. (0 steps)
c By practicing water conservation, promoting hygiene and sanitation in their communities, supporting organizations working on water-related projects, and advocating for sustainable water management practices. (2 steps)
a Promoting equal opportunities and rights for all genders. (2 steps)
b Drawing attention for gender-related issues. (0 steps)
c Advocating for gender-based quotas in employment. (1 step)
a It encourages stagnation and protects traditions. (0 steps)
b It facilitates and funds opportunities for the development of new technology and methods to better safeguard the future. (3 steps)
c It drives the creation of new ideas, technologies and products. (2 steps)
a By promoting water conservation and sustainable water management practices. (1 step)
b By Trying to use as little water as possible. (0 steps)
c By practicing water conservation, promoting hygiene and sanitation in their communities, supporting organizations working on water-related projects, and advocating for sustainable water management practices. (2 steps)
a Promoting economic isolation. (0 steps)
b Encouraging competitive advantage for developed nations. (0 steps)
c Implementing fair trade practices and debt relief. (2 steps)
a Consider what job is aligned with your training skills and where personal growth is prioritized. (2 steps)
b Consider what organization pursues ethical and sustainable employment practices and what job aligns with you and your plans for growth. (3 steps)
c Consider what job gives you the best benefits and salary. (0 steps)
a Almost half. (0 steps)
b Just below 60%. (0 steps)
c Close to 70%. (2 steps)
a You don’t need to; as long as you just go with the flow, you will learn everything you need for your career. (0 steps)
b By actively seeking out continuous learning opportunities, such as attending industry conferences, participating in mentorship programs, and taking online courses tailored to your career goals. (3 steps)
c By enrolling in online courses and workshops relevant to your industry. (2 steps)
a When eating fish, choosing sustainable sourced seafood in the supermarket or at the restaurant. (2 steps)
b Actively participate in initiatives to promote responsible fishing practices. (3 steps)
c Consider what consequences there are when you buy fish from the local supermarket or eat in restaurants. (0 steps)
a Seek study and career advice from peers, family or professionals. (2 steps)
b Focus highly on your academic performances. (0 steps)
c Engage in internships and establish a network to gain practical experience. (3 steps)
a To improve the supply of food to the impoverished countries. (2 steps)
b To end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. (3 steps)
c To end hunger. (1 step)
a Governments should not interfere in the energy sector; it’s a free market issue. (0 steps)
b Governments should incentivize clean energy adoption through policies like tax credits and subsidies for renewable energy projects. (2 steps)
c Governments should implement comprehensive policies that address both environmental and economic concerns, fostering innovation, and creating a regulatory environment that encourages investment in sustainable energy solutions. (3 steps)
a It measures footsteps walked instead of using carbon emitting vehicles. (0 steps)
b It calculates personal impact on the environment. (3 steps)
c It determines the damage your actions are causing to your surroundings. (0 steps)
a 1 in 10. (0 steps)
b 1 in 5. (3 steps)
c 1 in 3. (0 steps)
a Water scarcity, inadequate sanitation infrastructure, pollution of water sources, climate change impacts, and disparities in access between urban and rural areas. Also, conflicts and population growth can worsen water-related challenges. (2 steps)
b Climate change, adequate infrastructure and wars. (1 step)
c Global warming. (0 steps)
a eat only vegetarian, even if your food comes from distant countries. (1 step)
b eat more plant-based foods, throw away less or no food, shop local and organic, start composting. (2 steps)
c buy only seasonal food in the supermarket. (1 step)
a reduce extremely poverty by 50% and reduce other forms of poverty by at least 10%. (0 steps)
b reduce extremely poverty by 90% and reduce other forms of poverty by at least 50%. (2 steps)
c end/ eradicate extreme poverty for everyone and reduce other forms of poverty by at least 50%. (3 steps)
a Global warming. (2 steps)
b Anthropogenic warming. (0 steps)
c Global climate shift. (0 steps)
a More money is available for companies. (0 steps)
b More money is available for sports and public areas. (1 step)
c More money is available to create better job opportunities and improve living standards for the entire population. (2 steps)
a Everyone in the society has equal rights. (1 step)
b Everyone, regardless of their gender, has the same opportunities, rights, and treatment. (2 steps)
c Women are equal to men. (0 steps)
a To let everybody grow what they need. (0 steps)
b To promote environmentally friendly farming practices. (1 step)
c To ensure that present and future generations have access to enough nutritious food. It also promotes environmentally friendly farming practices to protect ecosystems and biodiversity. (2 steps)
a Host weekly city-wide music festivals with international DJs. (0 steps)
b Implement a comprehensive plan for affordable housing, efficient public transport, and green spaces, ensuring a high quality of urban life for all residents. (2 steps)
c Convert all city roads into lanes for skateboarding and rollerblading. (0 steps)
d Offer free Wi-Fi and gaming zones at every corner. (0 steps)
Multiple answers possible:
a Use disposable plastic water bottles for convenience on campus or at work. (-1 step)
b Organize a community carpool program to reduce carbon emissions. (1 step)
c Start a petition for solar panels on school buildings or the workspace. (1 step)
d Plan a beach party with fireworks near a sea turtle nesting site. (-1 step)
e Hold a fashion show with the latest fast fashion trends. (-1 step)
f Create a blog or vlog series on reducing personal carbon footprints (1 step)
a Hosting a city-wide virtual reality gaming tournament every weekend. (0 steps)
b Making pizza the official city meal, served free every Friday. (0 steps)
c Building a network of underground tunnels exclusively for electric skateboards. (0 steps)
d Designing multifunctional buildings that serve as apartments, food gardens, and wildlife havens. (2 steps)
a Technological advancement in healthcare. (2 steps)
b High GDP per capita. (0 steps)
c Access to essential health services for all. (1 step)
a Paris Agreement. (3 steps)
b Kyoto Protocol. (0 steps)
c Copenhagen Accord. (0 steps)
a 10 % (3 steps)
b 5 %. (2 steps)
c 1 %. (0 steps)
a Harnessing technology for data transparency, online dispute resolution, and democratizing legal information empowers communities, making justice more efficient, accessible, and equitable. (3 steps)
b Implementing digital platforms for legal services and information can enhance access to justice, making it more inclusive. (2 steps)
c Technology only benefits the privileged; it doesn’t address justice for all. (0 steps)
a Not everyone has access to water. (0 steps)
b Not everyone has access to water, and it is important for human health. (1 step)
c It is crucial for human health, environmental sustainability, and overall development. (2 steps)
a Develop new medical technologies. (0 steps)
b Eradicate all infectious diseases. (0 steps)
c Achieve universal immunization coverage. (2 steps)
a It’s only for individuals who want to change careers completely. (0 steps)
b It’s too time-consuming for working adults. (2 steps)
c It’s only about formal education. (3 steps)
a Climate change. (1 step)
b Poor countries don’t have the adequate technology. (0 steps)
c Challenges include limited access to resources, climate change impacts, lack of infrastructure, and economic disparities, which can hinder progress toward ending hunger in developing countries. (2 steps)
a Engage in open dialogue, understanding diverse perspectives, and supporting local initiatives promoting peace and justice. (2 steps)
b Ignore conflicts and focus solely on personal well-being. (0 steps)
c Actively participate in community organizations, advocate for fair policies, and collaborate with others to address systemic issues contributing to injustice. (3 steps)
a To promote equality and empowerment for all genders. (0 steps)
b To ensure comprehensive health and well-being for individuals of all ages. (2 steps)
c To develop urban areas that are safe, inclusive, and sustainable. (0 steps)
d To eradicate poverty in every form globally. (0 steps)
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Gender equality”
The red player (leader & decider) chooses a random letter.
Brainstorm with the group for 30 seconds on words beginning with the chosen letter that have to do something with the word you can find below. For each word you can take one step, up to maximum 6 steps.
This activity states a problem. First, all players will have to brainstorm for 30 seconds on their own for a solution. Then you have 2 minutes to discuss the solutions and red (leader/decider) chooses the best solution to pitch for the game master.
As a member of the leadership council of a rapidly growing city, you are faced with the challenge of an overwhelmed public transportation system, resulting in traffic congestion and pollution. What sustainable and accessible solution would you propose to improve the city’s transportation system?
If you are not red, purple or green, choose either red or purple to play the game with. If you are one or the other, choose the other to play with. The other player needs some (waste) paper and a pen. Sit back-to-back and explain in max. 30 seconds, to the other player the below image, without saying what you see here:
Thus, you cannot say: ‘A bunny playing soccer’
You will perform this activity with the communicator & team player, if you are this player yourself, choose a different player. You will have to explain the following 4 words (on the left), without using the words on the right. For every correct guessed word by the player you’ve chosen you can take the same amount of steps and divide them amongst the two of you.
- Global partnership (collaboration, cooperation, alliance, international)
- Adaptability (flexibility, change, soft skill, blue)
- Equality (fairness, value, same rights, SDGs)
- Problem solving (solutions, innovation, soft skill, green)
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of a DECIDER, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
You will perform this activity with the communicator & team player, if you are this player yourself, choose a different player. You will have to explain the following 4 words (on the left), without using the words on the right. For every correct guessed word by the player you’ve chosen you can take the same amount of steps and divide them amongst the two of you.
- Climate Change (global warming, SDGs, ice, problem)
- Soft Skills (develop, competences, leadership)
- Quality Education (SDGs, schools, quantity)
- Communication (soft skill, talking, written, interaction)
The red player (leader & decider) chooses a random letter.
Brainstorm with the group for 30 seconds on words beginning with the chosen letter that have to do something with the word you can find below. For each word you can take one step, up to maximum 6 steps.
‘Sustainable Development Goals’
You will perform this activity with the blue player (empath & adaptive), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player. You will have to show the emotions below in 30 seconds. The other player has to guess the emotions you show. For every correct emotion guessed, you earn one step amongst the two of you.
- Angry
- Surprised
- Admired
- Bored
- Excited
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Good health and well-being”
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of a TEAM PLAYER, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of an EMPATH, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Brainstorm for 30 seconds on a new usage for the following product/item and pitch the idea afterwards to the group and the game master. The better the idea/pitch, the more steps.
A sweater
This activity states a problem. First, all players will have to brainstorm for 30 seconds on their own for a solution. Then you have 2 minutes to discuss the solutions and red (leader/decider) chooses the best solution to pitch for the game master.
Imagine you’re the leader of a new planet and have the power to shape its education system. Based on SDG 4, what would be your top priority to ensure quality education for all your planet’s inhabitants?
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of a CREATIVE, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
If you are not red, purple or green, choose either red or purple to play the game with. If you are one or the other, choose the other to play with. The other player needs some (waste) paper and a pen. Sit back-to-back and explain in max. 30 seconds, to the other player the below image, without saying what you see here:
Thus, you cannot say: ‘A cow playing guitar’
The red player (leader & decider) chooses a random letter.
Brainstorm with the group for 30 seconds on words beginning with the chosen letter that have to do something with the word you can find below. For each word you can take one step, up to maximum 6 steps.
‘Soft Skills’
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver) or the blue player (empath & adaptive), if you are either one of these player yourself, choose the other player.
The player who is not reading this card, will have to start drawing a more or less complex doodle on a piece of paper within 30 seconds.
Now, the player reading out this card has 30 seconds to draw something meaningful out of the doodle created by the player in step one.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Life on land”
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Presenting yourself”
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Decent work and economic growth”
You will perform this activity with the orange player (listener & timekeeper), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Game master reads out story A with lots of details. Try to remember all details of the story without making recordings or notes. Afterwards you will have to answer 5 questions asked by the game master. For each correct answer you can earn a step.
The red player (leader & decider) chooses a random letter.
Brainstorm with the group for 30 seconds on words beginning with the chosen letter that have to do something with the word you can find below. For each word you can take one step, up to maximum 6 steps.
‘Personal Development’
The red player (leader & decider) chooses a random letter.
Brainstorm with the group for 30 seconds on words beginning with the chosen letter that have to do something with the word you can find below. For each word you can take one step, up to maximum 6 steps.
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of a TIMEKEEPER, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Peace, justice and strong institutions”
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Brainstorm for 30 seconds on a new usage for the following product/item and pitch the idea afterwards to the group and the game master. The better the idea/pitch, the more steps.
“No Poverty”
What is the solution to the following riddle?
Riddle 1: A rabbit, a cabbage, a fox, and a farmer are at a river. The farmer has one boat fitting one item and himself. If he takes the fox, the rabbit will eat the cabbage. If he takes the cabbage the fox will eat the rabbit; however, the fox will not eat the cabbage. How does he transport them all safely?
For each wrong answer, you have to take one step backwards. When answered correctly, you can take two steps.
You will perform this activity with the blue player (empath & adaptive), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player. You will have to show the emotions below in 30 seconds. The other player has to guess the emotions you show. For every correct emotion guessed, you earn one step amongst the two of you.
- Confident
- Scared
- Happy
- Frustrated
- Peaceful
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Clean water and sanitation”
What is the solution to the following riddle?
Riddle 2: A man is trapped in an empty room with only two exits. He does not have any tools or weapons to fight with or to protect himself. The first door leads to a tunnel made from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone who enters into that tunnel. Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape?
For each wrong answer, you have to take one step backwards. When answered correctly, you can take two steps.
The time needs to be out of sight for the players, and held by the game master. The orange player (listener & timekeeper) needs to find a way to know how long 30 seconds is, without using a clock or a timer. Each player, also the orange player, now has to confidently present and promote themselves, listing their skills and talents, for at least 30 seconds. Without access to time, but with help from the orange player, the players must keep presenting until the 30 seconds have passed. If the presentation has ended before 30 seconds have passed, the player loses its step.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Brainstorm for 30 seconds on a new usage for the following product/item and pitch the idea afterwards to the group and the game master. The better the idea/pitch, the more steps.
This activity states a problem. First, all players will have to brainstorm for 30 seconds on their own for a solution. Then you have 2 minutes to discuss the solutions and red (leader/decider) chooses the best solution to pitch for the game master.
You own a local book store, but you are struggling to compete with online retailers. What can you do to overcome this?
If you are not red, purple or green, choose either red or purple to play the game with. If you are one or the other, choose the other to play with. The other player needs some (waste) paper and a pen. Sit back-to-back and explain in max. 30 seconds, to the other player the below image, without saying what you see here:
Thus, you cannot say: ‘A bear playing the piano/keyboard’
The red player (leader & decider) chooses a random letter.
Brainstorm with the group for 30 seconds on words beginning with the chosen letter that have to do something with the word you can find below. For each word you can take one step, up to maximum 6 steps.
You will perform this activity with the communicator & team player, if you are this player yourself, choose a different player. You will have to explain the following 4 words (on the left), without using the words on the right. For every correct guessed word by the player you’ve chosen you can take the same amount of steps and divide them amongst the two of you.
- Leadership (soft skill, ownership, decider, red)
- Sustainability (environment, SDGs, conservation, green)
- Collaboration (cooperation, partnership, soft skill, together)
- Progress (innovation, development, improvement, advancement)
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Responsible consumption and production”
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Sustainable cities and communities”
This activity states a problem. First, all players will have to brainstorm for 30 seconds on their own for a solution. Then you have 2 minutes to discuss the solutions and red (leader/decider) chooses the best solution to pitch for the game master.
You own a local bakery, but at the moment you are experiencing ingredient shortages. What can you do to overcome this?
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of a LISTENER, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
You will perform this activity with the orange player (listener & timekeeper), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Game master reads out story E with lots of details. Try to remember all details of the story without making recordings or notes. Afterwards you will have to answer 5 questions asked by the game master. For each correct answer you can earn a step.
The red player (leader & decider) chooses a random letter.
Brainstorm with the group for 30 seconds on words beginning with the chosen letter that have to do something with the word you can find below. For each word you can take one step, up to maximum 6 steps.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Zero Hunger”
You will perform this activity with the blue player (empath & adaptive), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player. You will have to show the emotions below in 30 seconds. The other player has to guess the emotions you show. For every correct emotion guessed, you earn one step amongst the two of you.
- Silly
- Grateful
- Stressed
- Shy
- Curious
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of an ADAPTIVE, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Industry, innovation and infrastructure”
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Brainstorm for 30 seconds on a new usage for the following product/item and pitch the idea afterwards to the group and the game master. The better the idea/pitch, the more steps.
A plastic bottle
If you are not red, purple or green, choose either red or purple to play the game with. If you are one or the other, choose the other to play with. The other player needs some (waste) paper and a pen. Sit back-to-back and explain in max. 30 seconds, to the other player the below image, without saying what you see here:
Thus, you cannot say: ‘A dog reading a book’
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Reduced inequalities”
The red player (leader & decider) chooses a random letter.
Brainstorm with the group for 30 seconds on words beginning with the chosen letter that have to do something with the word you can find below. For each word you can take one step, up to maximum 6 steps.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“No Poverty”
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of a LEADER, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
What is the solution to the following riddle?
Riddle 3: There is a basket full of hats. Three are white and two are black. Three men, Tom, Tim and Jim, each take a hat out of the basket and put it on their heads without seeing the hat they selected or the hats the other men selected. The men arrange themselves so Tom can see Tim and Jim’s hats, Tim can see Jim’s hat, and Jim can’t see anyone’s hat. Tom is asked what colour his hat is and he says he doesn’t know. Tim is asked the same question, and he also doesn’t know. Finally, Jim is asked the question, and he does know. What colour is his hat?
For each wrong answer, you have to take one step backwards. When answered correctly, you can take two steps.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Networking and entrepreneurship”
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of a COMMUNICATOR, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Preparation for internship”
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver) or the blue player (empath & adaptive), if you are either one of these player yourself, choose the other player.
The player who is not reading this card, will have to start drawing a more or less complex doodle on a piece of paper within 30 seconds.
Now, the player reading out this card has 30 seconds to draw something meaningful out of the doodle created by the player in step one.
If you are not red, purple or green, choose either red or purple to play the game with. If you are one or the other, choose the other to play with. The other player needs some (waste) paper and a pen. Sit back-to-back and explain in max. 30 seconds, to the other player the below image, without saying what you see here:
Thus, you cannot say: ‘A cat eating ice cream’
Each player needs a (waste) paper and a pen, and has 30 seconds to write down as many qualities of a PROBLEM SOLVER, using only adjectives. When the time stops, each player reads out their adjectives and the group decides if they agree on those or not. Everyone has the right to veto. All words that are not accepted by each player has to be deleted. Also, all words that are written down by 2 players or more, have to be deleted as well. Thus, be creative!
Count the remaining words and take as many steps as the number of accepted adjectives.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Brainstorm for 30 seconds on a new usage for the following product/item and pitch the idea afterwards to the group and the game master. The better the idea/pitch, the more steps.
Newspaper and/or leaflets
All players have 30 seconds to find within the room the most organic, raw, natural or sustainable product possible and show this to the game master.
For each organic, raw, natural or sustainable product, you can move one step, up to max. 6 steps.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Affordable and clean energy”
1 player starts a movement train with at least three movements, these can be as small as putting up 3 fingers to as big as a dance move. All other players have their eyes closed and each player one-by-one gets to see the movements of the previous player, re-enacts the moves and adds one more themselves.
The last player shows the entire movement train. If the movements are correct, you have succeeded the activity (10 steps to be divided).
You will perform this activity with the orange player (listener & timekeeper), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Game master reads out story D with lots of details. Try to remember all details of the story without making recordings or notes. Afterwards you will have to answer 5 questions asked by the game master. For each correct answer you can earn a step.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Climate action”
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Quality education”
This activity states a problem. First, all players will have to brainstorm for 30 seconds on their own for a solution. Then you have 2 minutes to discuss the solutions and red (leader/decider) chooses the best solution to pitch for the game master.
You are the newly elected mayor of your city. Your first challenge is to implement ways that will make your city more sustainable and liveable, in line with SDG 11. What would you choose and why?
You will perform this activity with the orange player (listener & timekeeper), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Game master reads out story C with lots of details. Try to remember all details of the story without making recordings or notes. Afterwards you will have to answer 5 questions asked by the game master. For each correct answer you can earn a step.
You will perform this activity with the orange player (listener & timekeeper), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Game master reads out story B with lots of details. Try to remember all details of the story without making recordings or notes. Afterwards you will have to answer 5 questions asked by the game master. For each correct answer you can earn a step.
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Partnerships for the goals”
You will perform this activity with the green player (creative & problem solver), if you are this player yourself, choose a different player.
Find as many 4 letter words in the sentence written below in 30 seconds. Watch out, the words cannot be a part of the word that is written down. For each word you can take a step, up to maximum 6 steps! Divide those steps among the two players.
“Life below water”