Home E-Learning Platform The Global Challenge Summit

The Global Challenge Summit


120 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will:

  • Enhance their collaboration and communication skills
  • Improve their problem-solving and decision-making abilities
  • Increase their empathy and understanding of global issues
  • Learn creativity and innovative thinking


Introduction (15 minutes)

    • Welcome students and explain the purpose of the activity. The purpose is to engage students in a hands-on, collaborative experience that enhances various soft skills while addressing real-world challenges linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • Briefly introduce the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By introducing SDGs we create a context for the activity, connecting it to global issues and emphasising the importance of their role as future citizens and potential entrepreneurs.

SDG Selection (20 minutes)

      • Divide students into smaller groups.
      • Each group must select an SDG they are passionate about from a list of prepared SDGs by the teacher. Students must discuss and choose an SDG that resonates with their interests and concerns, fostering decision-making and commitment.
      • The limited timeframe encourages quick decision-making, simulating real-world scenarios where timely choices are crucial.

Research and Scenario Creation (30 minutes)

    • The groups are then tasked with researching real-life challenges related to their chosen SDG. The tutor would have prepared a number of real-life challenges for each SDG listed. The tutor should provide examples. Students should delve into specific issues related to their chosen SDG, understanding the challenges faced globally.
    • Then they must then select/develop a scenario that represents the challenges faced. For example: Lack of access to quality education in a specific region due to socio-economic factors; Environmental issues affecting a community’s livelihood linked to SDG 17; Healthcare disparities impacting a vulnerable population.

New Media Creation (30 minutes) (extra task – optional)

    • Using new media and technologies (videos, social media, presentations), groups create a campaign to raise awareness about their scenario.
      • Students are tasked with developing a media campaign using both traditional and online media, to raise awareness about their scenario.
      • Each group must list the specific stakeholders and target audiences. They must then select the target groups for their campaign. Then, identify the ideal medium and key message to reach their target audience.
    • The limited timeframe encourages quick thinking and adaptability, reflecting real-world constraints in campaign development.

Simulation and Presentation (30 minutes)

      • Each group presents their scenario and campaign to the class in their own manner. Students should present using a combination of visual aids, role-playing, and any other engaging methods that effectively communicate their campaign.
      • Other groups act as stakeholders, asking questions and providing feedback.
      • The simulation allows students to experience real-time feedback and challenges, enhancing their communication and collaboration skills.

Reflection and Discussion (15 minutes)

·   The reflection time allows students to actively process and internalise the lessons learned, reinforcing the soft skills developed during the activity.

Questions for Reflections

Discuss the experience as a class. Ask questions like:

  •   What did you learn about the interconnectedness of global issues through this activity?

Reflect on challenges faced and how they were overcome. Ask questions like:

  •   What role did effective communication play in addressing the simulated stakeholder questions?

Note: This activity could be best utilised if it is part of a curriculum. For stronger impact, a competition for the best simulation and presentation could be integrated as a method for greater student engagement.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the LEADER ScaleUp project partnership, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.