Home E-Learning Platform Innovation Challenge: Eco-Friendly Community Design

Innovation Challenge: Eco-Friendly Community Design


90 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will have:

  • Enhanced their collaboration and communication skills
  • Improved their problem-solving and decision-making abilities
  • Strengthened their creativity and innovative thinking
  • Strengthened their leadership skills in a team setting


Note: This activity will have greater impact if the trainer precedes this activity with another activity beforehand – such as the Sustainability Design Challenge which could be integrated into a curriculum over a span of 3 months. An introductory activity such as that would be excellent in preparation for this Innovation Challenge. 


  1. Introduction (15 minutes)
    • Welcome students and introduce the Innovation Challenge. The purpose is to engage students in designing an eco-friendly community, fostering entrepreneurial thinking and problem-solving skills.
      • Provide background information on SDGs 11 and 13. This step helps students understand the global goals they are contributing to, emphasising the importance of sustainable communities and climate action.
  2. Team Formation and Roles (20 minutes)
    • Students are split into smaller groups and each student takes up a role (project manager, designer, communicator, etc. – the tutor should prepare roles and responsibilities). Students should discuss their strengths and interests to assign roles that best utilise each team member’s skills.
      • The quick formation and role assignment simulate real-world scenarios, where decisions need to be made efficiently.
  3. Community Design and Sustainability Research (40 minutes)
    • Each group must then research innovative and eco-friendly community design concepts. Students should explore concepts such as green infrastructure, renewable energy, and waste reduction in community planning.
    • Each group must then develop a blueprint or visual representation of their eco-friendly community. Students should create a visual representation (drawing, digital design, etc.) and a brief description of key eco-friendly features in their community.
  4. Pitch Preparation (30 minutes)
    • Each group must then prepare a short pitch (presentation) showcasing their eco-friendly community design. Students should focus on clear communication of their ideas, emphasising the unique and innovative aspects of their community design.
    • The limited timeframe encourages teams to prioritise key elements and adapt their pitch for maximum impact.
  5. Pitch Presentation (30 minutes)
    • Each team presents their eco-friendly community design to the class. Students should use visuals, articulate their ideas clearly, and address potential questions from the “investors” (classmates and teacher).
    • Other students act as “investors,” asking questions and evaluating the pitches.
    • The simulation provides students with a real-world pitching experience, promoting effective communication and teamwork.
  6. Reflection and Feedback (15 minutes)
    • Discuss the overall experience and learnings as a class. Ask questions like:
      • How did your team approach the decision-making process during role assignment?
      • What challenges did you encounter while designing the eco-friendly community, and how did you overcome them?
    • This allows students to reflect on both their own team’s performance and learn from the experiences of other teams.

Questions for Reflections

  • How did your team collaboratively approach the task of designing an eco-friendly community?
  • In what ways did your team exhibit creativity in developing the eco-friendly community concept?
  • As an “investor,” what criteria did you consider when evaluating other teams’ pitches?

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