Home E-Learning Platform SDG Awareness Campaigns

SDG Awareness Campaigns


120 minutes

Learning Outcomes

  • After completing this activity trainees/ learners will be able to create digital campaigns to raise awareness about a particular SDG.
  • The activity also enhances marketing skills: Directly ties into digital marketing and general marketing training, providing a practical application for these skills in the context of promoting SDGs.


Raising awareness through digital campaigns has become common in the age of technology and connectivity. Whether promoting a social cause, a non-profit organization, a product, or a service, or raising awareness about (social, economic, environmental) sustainability issues, a well-executed digital campaign can help to reach a wide audience.

Ask students to create digital campaigns to raise awareness about a particular SDG they are interested in. To choose that specific SDG, trainers can use several activities from thisLEADER platform.

Form groups of 4-5 students based on their SDG interest and present them several forms of Digital SDG awareness campaigns, which can be created through different platforms to reach a wide audience.

Types of digital SDG awareness campaigns:

Social Media Campaigns: use popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share information, stories, infographics, and videos related to specific SDGs. These campaigns can use hashtags, challenges, and influencer partnerships to engage a broader audience.

Online Webinars and Workshops: webinars, workshops, and online events to educate people about SDGs, their importance, and how individuals and organizations can contribute. Platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or dedicated webinar software can be used for this purpose.

Podcasts: Create and promote podcasts that discuss various SDGs, their challenges, and success stories. Podcasts offer a more in-depth and personal way to engage with the audience and can be distributed on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.

Email campaigns: use email marketing platforms, like MailChimp for targeted email campaigns to subscribers or stakeholders, featuring information about specific SDGs, progress updates, and calls to action.

Online petitions and advocacy platforms: use websites and tools like Change.org, Care2 to create petitions and campaigns that rally support for specific SDGs and related policy changes.

Online challenges: challenges or competitions that encourage individuals to make sustainable choices or take actions related to the SDGs, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, or supporting local communities.

Online competitions: competitions related to the SDGs, such as hackathons, innovation challenges, or essay contests, to encourage creativity and problem-solving.

Influencer partnerships: collaborate with social media influencers, celebrities, and thought leaders who have a strong online presence to amplify the message of the SDGs to their followers.

Ask groups of students to choose which type of digital awareness camping would like to create and on what platform. The choice of campaign type should be adapted to the specific SDGs, target audience, available resources and desired impact. A combination of several campaign types can also be used to maximise reach and engagement.

Before groups start creating their campaigns, trainer should point out, that there are several strategies to consider for digital awareness campaigns, like:

  1. Define goals and target audience.
  2. Choose the right platforms, which align with their target audience (social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram;  email marketing, websites, blogs or podcasts). It is also important to create engaging content that resonates with their target audience. They have to use a mix of text, images, videos, infographics, and other formats to transmit the message effectively. Visual content, such as images and videos, tends to be more shareable and memorable.
  3. Tell a story: stories can be powerful tools for creating emotional connections. It is recommended to share real stories of individuals or communities which are impacted/affected by the cause or message.
  4. Use relevant hashtags and keywords: to increase the visibility of the content.
  5. Engage with the audience: students should respond to comments, messages, and feedback promptly.
  6. Collaborate: with influencers, organizations, or brands that share the cause or target the same audience.
  7. Keep the audience engaged and informed by posting regular updates about the campaigns.
  8. Call to action: by stating clearly what action is requested from the audience, like signing a petition, making a donation, sharing your content, or attending an event.

These strategies need to be shared with working groups, so that they can use them as a guide when creating campaigns.

Give the possibility for working groups to share their campaigns’ results, experiences and lessons learnt. 

Additional notes:

Ensure that it does not become too narrow or focused solely on marketing aspects, neglecting the broader educational goals related to SDGs, make sure the trainer integrates the SDG Awareness Campaigns with digital marketing and general marketing training to maximize learning outcomes.

Questions for Reflections

  • What were the key milestones and achievements of the campaign in terms of SDG- awareness impact?
  • Did the campaign activities align with the local context and community needs regarding the chosen SDG(s)?
  • Were there any lessons learned during the campaign that can inform future SDG initiatives or similar campaigns?

Extra Materials

Examples for successful SDG campaigns:

How To Use Zoom STEP BY STEP For Beginners! https://youtu.be/QOUwumKCW7M?si=lzGtfmonZTpvZ-uC

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Microsoft Teams: Step-by-Step Tutorial:


Podcasts: https://www.apple.com/apple-podcasts/

How to start a podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/how-to-start-a-podcast?gclid=CjwKCAjwvrOpBhBdEiwAR58-3C0RMW8HlBST9LJ_m3JQDPdVWxFJWSXR_2zY7R_O1nTbpjUnryxXQhoCCNcQAvD_BwE

MAILCHIMP TUTORIAL 2023 (For Beginners) – Step by Step Email Marketing Guide: https://youtu.be/IWeCs6oNeks?si=dOXoNzxIL9ErsUtd

Petition: https://www.change.org/


Hackathons Explained: Beginners Guide To Hackathon: https://dev.to/ashok83/hackathons-explained-beginners-guide-to-hackathon-23o1

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