Home E-Learning Platform Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch


60 minutes

Learning Outcomes

This activity helps trainees/ learners work on networking and effective communication skills while providing practical experience in crafting and delivering elevator pitches tailored to different scenarios.


Each group brainstorms ideas for a product, service, or concept they want to pitch. This could be a new invention, a solution to a common problem, a book/movie plot, or a scientific theory. Encourage creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Groups develop their elevator pitch. Remind them to keep it under 2 minutes. They should identify the problem, propose their solution, and explain why it’s unique or needed. Encourage them to think about their target audience and what would appeal to them.

Questions for Reflections

  • After each pitch, open the floor for brief feedback from the class.
  • Discuss what made each pitch effective or what could be improved in terms of communication and persuasion. (5 minutes per pitch).
  • Summarise the key takeaways from the activity, emphasising the importance of clear and persuasive communication in networking situations.
  • Encourage students to continue practising their elevator pitches in various scenarios outside of the classroom.

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