After completing this activity trainees/ learners will better know/understand their role in a workplace.
Different Leader Types
30 minutes
Learning Outcomes
Gather the group in a class room or similar premise. Tell the student to imagine four animals; beaver, panther, owl, dolphin. What animal is your mind stuck on when thinking about it? (perhaps you choose panther) Write it down on a piece of paper. Use the four corners of the room, put everyone who thought of beaver in one corner, panther in another, etc.
Beaver | Panther |
Owl | Dolphin |
Talk to those you are standing together with for a few minutes about why you are thinking of this animal in particular?
Write the animal names on the board/flipchart
Ask what characteristics the animals have. Start with the beaver
Beaver – works hard, industrious, stubborn, etc…
Owl –in control, sees dangers, etc…
Dolphin – playfulness, community, joyful, etc….
Panther – lazy, energetic, quick lunges, etc…
The four animals can be seen as leadership qualities –
- Panther (entrepreneur) – the leader who invents new things, sees new opportunities, thinks ahead, who likes to run eagerly ahead, withdraws and takes time for oneself.
- Owl (administrator)- the leader who likes to keep an eye on the situation, on the task, on what is said, from an above perspective, sees risks, organises lists.
- Beaver (producent)- the leader who likes to work practically, organises and fixes, positively stubborn, works even in the face of adversity.
- Dolphin (integrator)- the leader who likes to be part of the group, playful and joyful, who wants everyone to join, who holds the group together, who is caring, who doesn’t want anyone to feel left out.
These are just examples of four leadership types. There are of course more. Besides, you and I may be more than one within us. But we want to show that all types of leaders are needed. What would happen if everyone in a working group were panthers? What would happen if everyone were beavers? Everyone is needed, but it can be nice to understand why we act differently when we try to cooperate.
Questions for Reflections
- What personality type are you?
- What role do you take in a classroom or working group?