Home E-Learning Platform Party Pooper

Party Pooper


45 minutes

Learning Outcomes

In this activity students learn how to quickly adapt when something unforeseen happens. They will learn why adaptability is important in all aspects of daily life and how to deal with change.

Resources & Preparation Needed

Sheets of paper

Pens or pencils


Divide the class into teams of max. 6 students. 

Let them make a plan on how they would organise the biggest wedding ever.  Give them 15 minutes to write down their strategy and plans. 

Once they have determined their plans and strategy, tell them that one day before the wedding people must keep social distance (at least 1,5 meters), due to a very dangerous virus. How would they change their strategies and plans? Give the students another 15 minutes to change their plans and let them write down their new strategies. 

After they have adapted the wedding party to the new regulations, the students must present their new strategies in front of the other groups.

This activity can be done online. Start a joint meeting including all students and after you’ve explained the story, tell the students to meet each other per team in different ‘online’ rooms and come back after 15 minutes (Zoom allows break-out sessions). 

Ideas For Reflection

After each presentation ask questions like:

  • How did you feel when regulations changed one day before the wedding? 
  • How did you adapt to the new situation?
  • Was it easy for you to make the change and think differently?

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