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Debate Away!


90 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will learn and understand that there are multiple perspectives to each debate and learn how to negotiate to reach a solution.


The class will be divided into multiple smaller groups (try this in at least three groups, and at least three people in one group).

Each group represents one stakeholder group of a local ‘imaginary’ school. Give the groups a short summary of who they represent and give them the statement that will be debated about (see handout for detailed information on stakeholders and statements to choose from).

Give the students time to research and prepare their point of view on this statement (at least 45 minutes, but preferably one class). Their side of the story must of course be well substantiated, to ensure a good debate. Moreover, to start off the debate, each group needs to start off with a short introduction of their point of view, which they should prepare as well.

The next class (or the next 30 minutes) the debate will start off with the introduction of each group, which will be followed by the discussion/debate. Make sure you will explain the rules of the debate clearly beforehand (see handout).
The debate will end with a negotiation to try to come to an agreement (at least 15 minutes).

Questions for Reflections

  • Did you decide beforehand within your group a certain strategy? To collaborate or to compete?
  • What was the thought process behind your decisions to either collaborate or compete?
  • What research process did you use to prepare you for this debate and why?
  • What negotiation tactics did you apply in the end and why?
  • Did you notice any trends that emerged over time in the debate or negotiation?

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