Home E-Learning Platform Overcoming Obstacles to Obtaining Solutions

Overcoming Obstacles to Obtaining Solutions


50 minutes

Learning Outcomes

Look for solutions to difficult problems; learn to use a range of resources in emergencies.

Resources & Preparation Needed






Each member of the group receives a piece of paper and writes down a simple problem they’ve had recently. 

They then fold up the sheets of paper and put them in the bag provided.

Each participant takes a turn to draw a sheet of paper from the bag and read aloud what’s on it whilst another member of the group writes it on the board. 

Once all the problems have been written on the board, participants vote on which one they’re going to try and solve together.

Once the problem has been chosen participants discuss what it’s about. 

The member at the blackboard draws two columns beneath the problem chosen. He or she then writes the functional forces or advantages and positive aspects of the problem in one column and in the other the dysfunctional forces or disadvantages and negative aspects. 

Once the group has followed all these procedures, they discuss the plausibility of the problem and whether they can transform it into something positive for the group or whether they should resolve it through other activities.

Ideas For Reflection

  • How did the diversity of voices influence the solutions?
  • Who do you count on when you have a problem to solve?

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