Home E-Learning Platform Raise Awareness on SDGs using Digital Storytelling

Raise Awareness on SDGs using Digital Storytelling


120 minutes

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity trainees/ learners will be able to tell stories related to the SDGs using various digital media, in order to inspire action and raise awareness.


Digital stories can contribute to young people’s understanding of responsible citizenship and European values in a very direct and accessible way.

Challenging students to tell stories related to SDGs, using various digital media is a creative and engaging way to encourage their awareness and involvement in global issues.

Below are some steps, which can be followed by the trainer if the aim of the course is to introduce SDGs using digital storytelling.

  1.     Explain to your students the methods of storytelling and the importance of using digital media to create an engaging story using the resources below.
  2.     Define the challenge: explain the SDGs and their significance. Define the objectives of the challenge together with your students, such as raising awareness, advocating for change, inspire action or proposing solutions.
  3.     Select SDGs: let your students choose one or more SDGs to focus on. This allows them to work on issues they are passionate about and aligns with their interests. Put your students in teams of 4-5, according to their area of interest.
  4.     Choose a digital tool: encourage students to explore a variety of digital media options. This could include videos, podcasts, social media campaigns, blogs, infographics or any other digital format they feel comfortable with.
  5.     Provide resources: offer to them resources, such as research materials, tools, and software, which can help students effectively use digital media for storytelling. (You can find some resources below in the extra reading section).
  6.     Develop stories: guide students in creating their stories. Emphasise the importance of a compelling narrative, including a clear problem, solution, and a call to action. Teach them how to structure their content for maximum impact.
  7.     When creating stories, encourage students to include relevant data and statistics to support their stories. This gives credibility to their stories. For ex. they could use stories of role models from their region, which could be individuals sharing their own stories of civic engagement success or local actors.
  8.     Visual and audio elements: teach students how to use visuals, audio, and multimedia elements effectively in their storytelling.
  9.     Feedback: encourage students to provide feedback to their peers during the creative process. This can help improve the quality and impact of their digital media projects.
  10. Presentation and dissemination of stories: give the opportunity for students to present their digital media projects to the class and encourage them to share their projects with a broader audience, potentially through school-wide or community-wide events or through online platforms.
  11. Recognition and/or awards: offer recognition and/or awards to students, as this can motivate them to put in extra effort and take the challenge seriously.
  12. Follow-up activities: after finishing the challenge, facilitate discussions in the classroom to reflect on the experience and consider their next steps in addressing the SDGs.

Challenging students to tell stories about the SDGs through digital tools not only improves their digital literacy, but also empowers them to become advocates for global sustainability. It’s a powerful way to use their creativity and passion for positive change.

Questions for Reflections

  • What was the most exciting part of the challenge?
  • How did you find the use of digital media in the story creation process?
  • Whatt did you find most difficult about the challenge?
  • What impact did your team’s project have at school level?
  • What did you learn from this project?

Extra Materials

What is Digital Storytelling? https://youtu.be/JIix-yVzheM?si=EI9bztUr3K5D8cIW

Create a digital story: https://youtu.be/LVKeO5IIR_A?si=mj6YDz-05tNSX-IU

WEVideo _Video editor: https://www.wevideo.com/?utm_campaign=Social%20Media&utm_content=create%20digital%20story&utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube

Canva: www.canva.com

Digital storytelling — changing people, perceptions, and lives: https://youtu.be/QhJDUIQ9EzY?si=7lDoNpZ-5sroMk2s

Podcasts: https://www.apple.com/apple-podcasts/

How to start a podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/how-to-start-a-podcast?gclid=CjwKCAjwvrOpBhBdEiwAR58-3C0RMW8HlBST9LJ_m3JQDPdVWxFJWSXR_2zY7R_O1nTbpjUnryxXQhoCCNcQAvD_BwE

How to make an infographic in Canva: https://youtu.be/36SIUe_mOZU?si=S0lgbT_OsskYukE6

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