Home E-Learning Platform Two of a Kind

Two of a Kind


10 minutes

Learning Outcomes

Students will  practice understanding each other’s facial expressions and body language and thereby improve their ability to understand other people’s non-verbal communication.

Resources & Preparation Needed

Sets of two identical cards, each set describing a different situation (See Handout)


Make several sets of two identical cards, each set describing a different situation. Each participant gets a card that they are not allowed to show to anyone else, before the game is over. 

Now, each participant has to find the person with the identical card. However, they are not allowed to talk. They must approach the other participants one by one and describe their card through body language until they find the person with the identical card. 

The game can be extended by allowing participants to help each other by pointing to a person that they think might try to express the same situation. This way, the participants are forced to not only focus on their own situation but also try to understand situations that are not directly relevant to their own, in order to do better as a team.

Ideas For Reflection

  • What face/ body signs, facial expressions were the most helpful?
  • Which signs were the most misleading/ hard to interpret for you?
  • Were there any signs that conveyed you exactly the opposite message than what you intended?

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