Home E-Learning Platform Keep Your Fingers Crossed

Keep Your Fingers Crossed


10 minutes

Learning Outcomes

Show how forced changes may cause discomfort and subsequently, rejection.


Many people acknowledge they are reluctant to make any kind of change so we’re going to try the following activity. 

Ask the group to put their hands together as if they were going to pray. 

Tell the group to look at their fingers and the way they are interlaced.

Now ask them to separate their hands and join them together again but this time the other way round (in other words, if the left hand thumb was on top before, this time the right hand thumb is on top)

Point out that this change doesn’t present a problem for some people whilst for most this small physical change is uncomfortable or even irritating. So the chances of maintaining this position are limited. 

This game is suitable for online use!

Ideas For Reflection

Discussion topics:

  • Did any of you feel uncomfortable with your fingers in the second position? Why? 
  • Do people resist change? Do you agree? If so, why? 
  • What strategies can we use to reduce resistance to change ? 
  • The facilitator guides the group through an assessment of the activity and how they can apply what they’ve learnt to life.
  • Can you think of any other things that are similar? What other things could you do differently (brush teeth with another hand), other little habits that we engage in, when we change something it makes us feel unsafe/fear from change?

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