Entries by Sarah Abdilla

LEADER Project Promo Video

Our world is changing fast, and the skills we need to succeed are too. On top of technical expertise, more and more employers seek candidates with developed non-technical skills, traditionally known as soft skills. These skills refer to abilities that relate to how one works and interacts with other people and include: communication, empathy, teamwork, […]

Upcoming Online Training Activity

In June 2021, LEADER project partners will be hosting a 3-day digital learning activity for selected teachers and trainers. The intention behind this is not simply to raise awareness about the importance of soft skills, but also to provide the opportunity for teachers and trainers to be the first to test the developed LEADER e-learning […]

Toolbox for Teachers & Trainers

The LEADER project team has developed a set of 50 practical classroom activities (such as: guided discussions, group activities, building activities) that can be applied to both classroom context and to work-based training, and can be adapted to different age groups, school subjects and educational topics. The Toolbox is now being piloted by trainers, teachers, […]

Mobile App to be Released Soon

The LEADER project partners are currently developing an innovative serious game which will demonstrate how specific soft skills work in different work situations! The game is expected to complement more traditional forms of teaching and training. It will not only make training fun and engaging but will also provide a flexible learning experience, depending on […]

NEWSLETTER | November 2020

Following extensive research, including interviews with VET students and companies, the LEADER project partners have identified the most important soft skills for the future of work. These will help feed into the real-world, decision-making scenarios which will be featured in the upcoming serious game, demonstrating how specific skills work in different work situations

Third Transnational Project Meeting

The third transnational project meeting was held online due to the imposed precautionary measures linked to the outbreak of COVID-19. The project partners discussed the ‘Implementation Guide for Teachers and Trainers’. Essentially, this will be a practical, easy-to-use and easy-to-adapt  information and resource package for VET trainers, helping them teach their students/trainees about soft skills […]

Top 10 Soft Skills for the Future of Work

Soft skills refer to the competencies needed to communicate, cooperate and work productively. In most competitive job markets, employers do not only look for technical ability and specialist knowledge. Instead, they seek candidates who can become leaders, and leadership itself depends on both technical and soft skills. Exposing students to a comprehensive skill-set thus increases […]

Empowering Students Today, To Be the LEADERs of Tomorrow

June 2020 – The LEADER partnership, comprising of seven European organisations operating in the vocational educational and/or entrepreneurial spheres, announced the recent launch of its project website. Leadertheproject.com is now serving as a one-stop-shop for students as well as academic/in-company trainers to learn more about the project and access the resources which are currently being […]